Brisket, Baby!

That’s right, it’s time for Brisket, Baby!

There are many different ways to make brisket. It can seem intimidating but it’s very easy. They all just require a slow cook. My brisket recipe is full of flavor, you may not even want to use the BBQ sauce! *Gasp*

I got my brisket from Trader Joe’s. It was 2.73 pounds and $34.The directions the packaging gave was pretty simple, 1 cup of water or broth and cook for 2-3 hours at 350 degrees. I decided to spruce up my broth by using beef broth, lime juice, tamari, garlic and Worcestershire sauce. You will not be disappointed! I let it marinade for a few hours in a disposable roasting pan in the fridge then popped it in the oven. If I had remembered to marinade it the night before, I would have. Because this meal cooks for several hours, it’s good to cook if you work from home or on the weekend when you will be home for a while. I let mine cook for about 2.5 hours, maybe a little longer. Just check to see if the meat is fork tender. Once it’s cooked and cut (always against the grain) you add that BBQ sauce, if you like. Delicious!

You can eat it as is on a toasted gluten free hamburger bun (I love the ones from Trader Joe’s) or add some topping. No matter what topping you do, make sure it’s garlic aioli inclusive! This uses the same aioli from my BBQ chicken sliders. I made a batch of garlic aioli and added it to the coleslaw mix. I got a 16 oz bag and used half for my shrimp tacos and the other half for this recipe. So. Freaking. Good. Don’t forget to toast your bun in the oven with butter and garlic salt! Just trust me.

A few of you said you were looking for a good brisket recipe. I hope you enjoy this one! Please let me know. Your feedback inspires me to keep cooking! This may be the last indulgent recipe I make for a minute, my husband and I are making an effort to eat a little cleaner and with much more vegetables! Stay tuned, I have some tasty and guilt free recipes coming soon.

This recipe serves 5-6 sandwiches, depending on how meat heavy you go.

Brisket, Baby!

Servings: 5


Garlic Aioli Coleslaw


  1. Make your marinade by combining beef broth, tamari, garlic, lemon juice and Worcestershire in a bowl and mix. 

  2. Put your brisket in a roasting pan, pour in the marinade, cover tightly with foil and let it marinade in the fridge for a few hours. 

  3. When you are ready to cook, preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

  4. Cook for 2-3 hours until fork tender. 

  5. To make the coleslaw, use about 8 oz of prepared coleslaw mix. Make your aioli and add half to the coleslaw and more until you get the consistency you want.  

    You will probably want to use all the aioli!
  6. Heat your buns in the oven at 350 for a few minutes with butter and garlic salt until slightly toasted. 

  7. When the brisket is ready, cut against the grain and mix with juices. Add your favorite BBQ sauce (if you want). 

    You may pour out some of the broth if needed, but you will want to save most for the flavor!
  8. To serve, add brisket to your bottom bun, top with coleslaw then the top bun and try not to eat it too quickly :)