Hi, I’m Emily and welcome to my page where I share gluten free recipes and products. Whether you have celiac disease, an intolerance or just enjoy the gluten free lifestyle, I hope my website helps you feel excited about what you eat!
I’ve been gluten free since around 2012 and celiac disease runs in my family. The journey to getting a diagnosis was long and frustrating. I started the Gluten Free and Glorious instagram account to connect with the gluten free community and to help me navigate what it means to be gluten free because no doctor gave me the tools or resources I needed. With that in mind, I’ll not only post my own recipes but I’ll try ones from others and share gluten free products I like. My favorite part of this is interacting with YOU. Please comment, like, tag and ask any questions you may have.
I used to say “I cook to eat”, then I started this Instagram and somewhere along the way I started to love cooking. I’m by no means a professional in the kitchen, I still mess up, I still worry that my food won’t taste good but the most important thing is that I’m having fun! My recipes are for those who, like me, have full lives and don’t have all day to spend in the kitchen. I love a good shortcut and a ‘no fuss’ recipe. I’d like to think that my food is Gluten Free AND Glorious.