4th of July is almost here so it’s appropriate to discuss gluten free buns! Gluten free breads have come a long way since I got diagnosed with celiac disease around 2012. Half the struggle in going gluten free is having to spend so much money on products and trying to find the gluten free option you actually like. Here are some gluten free bun options. I try and rate them so you don’t have to. The way I rate my gluten free breads is basically with 10 being perfect, 9 being “for being gluten free I can’t complain” and downward.
Don’t miss the list for bagels and buns coming soon!
Canyon Bakehouse: They have great products, their buns are great too and are larger than most. 9/10

Ener-G: Hotdog buns are harder to find that are up to par when gluten free, in my opinion. When I shared this on Instagram there were mixed reviews. No one said it was amazing and a few people either didn’t care for it or thought it was decent. I thought it wasn’t bad, less “bready” that Udi’s. 7/10

Trader Joe’s: This is my go-to! Like all Trader’s Joe’s products, it’s a keeper. I’ve started seeing them more year round but this is something that has been seasonal so stock up just in case. How about a hotdog bun next, Trader Joe’s? 9/10

Udi’s: I’ll say it again, Udi’s has been problematic with their small breads with holes in them. These hot dog buns are not lacking in bread, it’s a bit too “bready” for me and I end up tearing off parts. I’d probably rather use a slice of Schar or Canyon Bakehouse bread instead. PhillHatesGluten says, “it’s not perfect, but at least it’s something”. This might actually be true, because unlike sliced bread where there are more options now, this is really one of only gluten free hot dug buns I can remember seeing regularly so I continue to get them because sometimes it’s nice to be like everyone else and eating a bun. Trader Joes, help us out! 6/10

Unbun: I first tried these at the Grand Central Market in LA, I believe we lost the restaurant to COVID. They are soft and very tasty! Seen before at Whole Foods. 8/10

Know of others I should try? DM me on Instagram or e-mail me at glutenfreeandglorious@gmail.com