It’s summer time and that means it is time for picnics! This is your guide to gluten free picnics.
- The tubberware: Plastic bags and basic tubberware work, but if you want to take it up a notch, get these tubberware trays from Amazon. They are great for on the go snack and charcuterie boards. You can fill them up with vegetables (tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, broccoli), fruit (watermelon, pineapple, cherries, strawberries), cheeses ( cheddar, truffle, goat), meats (prosciutto, salami), and your gluten free cracker variety.
- Dips: The dips are best served in their own containers so they don’t seep over into the other areas on the tubberware tray. Trader Joe’s dips are perfect for picnics, just grab a few of your favorites. You can also make your own, like the hummus my friend made in the picture, yum!
- Picnic blankets: There are tons out there. We have several different kinds that we bring to the beach, park picnics and even camping. Chairs are also great to bring. My husband got a great chair recently, it’s compact, light and inexpensive, not to mention comfortable! It is great for camping and picnics. Check it out in my Amazon store under “Home”.
- Beverages: Sparkling water is my go-to if nonalcoholic. If your picnic area allows alcohol you can’t go wrong with a rosé or a hard cider.
- Games: I love to relax and read a good book but if you picnic with a group it is always good to have some games. A volleyball, frisbee, racket ball or a deck of cards could go a long way.