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Not Your Traditional Sopes

The name says it all! These are not your traditional sopes, but that doesn't mean they aren't delicious! My husband said they are "restaurant good" and he does not say that lightly! Sopes are a traditional Mexican dish with a fried masa base. The sopes I found are not labeled gluten free but contain no gluten ingredients. You can see the ingredients in my TikTok video. Sopes that I usually order have refried beans at the base. I didn't have any which got me thinking... what would be a good base? I landed on aoili sauce and boy and I glad! I made a different and possibly healthier version of aioli sauce from my BBQ chicken sliders. I used half greek yogurt and half sour cream then I added some chipotle and cumin. I drizzled some of it under the soy chorizo and potato mixture and on top because it was that good. Speaking of the soy chorizo mixture, I added mushrooms because I try to sneak them into anything I eat. Feel free to leave them out.

Vegans, full vegenaise would work great and the sauce more than makes up for no cheese (unless you want to use a vegan cheese). I'm not vegan but I love vegenaise! I try to buy it when I can because there are various people in my life with different dietary restrictions.

This recipe yields about 6 sopes. Make sure you buy enough sopes for everyone!

Here is where you can find the aioli recipe.

Prep Time: 30 mins Total Time: 30 mins
Servings 6
  • 6 sopes
  • 1 russet potato (chopped)
  • 1 soy chorizo package
  • 1/4 onion (chopped)
  • 1 cup mushrooms (chopped)
  • cotija cheese
  • garlic salt
  • cumin
  • paprika
  • 1 garlic aioli recipe (see link above)
  • chipotle seasoning
  1. Peel and chop your potato, onion and mushrooms. Put the mushrooms aside. 

  2. Heat the potato and onion in a pan over medium heat with some oil. Season with garlic salt and paprika to taste. Heat until cooked through, about 15 minutes, and set aside in a large bowl.

    There is a lot of flavor in the soy chorizo so heavy seasoning isn't required, unless that is your preference. Putting the lid on the pan and occasionally stirring will help the potatoes soften faster.
  3. While the potatoes are cooking, add the number of sopes you want on a pan and heat in the oven or toaster over at 350 for about 8-10 minutes. No need to preheat. 

  4. In the same pan, heat the soy chorizo and mushrooms together. Once cooked add it to the bowl with the potatoes and onion and mix together. 

  5. While the soy chorizo is cooking, make the garlic aioli sauce from link above. Add 2/4 tsp of chipotle and cumin. Add more to taste. 

    I changed up my aoili by using half sour cream and half greek yogurt instead of mayo.
  6. When everything is ready, put some aioli sauce at the bottom of each sope, top with potato and soy chorizo mixture and top with cotija cheese. Drizzle with more aioli sauce. 

Keywords: sopes, vegetarian, gluten free, aioili sauce, southwest recipe, vegan
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